Friday, October 29, 2010

Why does Joanne Keep talking to me?

Nathaniel Hawthorne lived during the time that salem had all of the witchcraft stuff in it and he witnessed the things that went on there. So the scarlet letter is basically about things he has experienced during his life time but just in a non direct way because he probably has not experienced these things.
But the scarlet A is probably something that he has seen in his life. So this book may be about the things he have experienced; and I can tell that he did not really enjoy the way puritans treated people and how society was. So its obvious that the puritans did a lot of things and had a very drastic affect on peoples lifes. This is really obvious if people white books about it. But apparently, people back then knew that it was wrong. People like Nathaniel Hawthorne. So i guess things happened that were not made public.
Salem really was a different place to live back then. Everyone was brainwashed and looked down on people who sinned which is really different than society today cause people sin all the time in public. Sometimes they do stuff like adultery in public. So things have changed and in my opinion in a positive way

Thursday, October 21, 2010

what is an american?

In the essay the croever person basically generalized america by saying that they abandon their cultures and adapt to the new customs of america. I honestly think that his view on america is really really wrong now. Then in time, he had a valid arguement because the puritans left england and just started their own country. They also abandoned englands customs altogether and that may have been wrong in his eyes, but they really did not have any other choice because they were really unhappy in england. So he does have a point, but he does not consider their point of view. He also says that americans completely throw out their old cultures so that they can adapt to the new, american culture. But actually, the pilgrims kept a lot of their old cultues and dished out the ones that they did not like. This also applies to present day, mexicans, black, asians, and other nationalities also express their culture all the time. So even though they were not actually in their native land, they were not just completely abandoning their cultures. He also speaks of america as being a "melting pot". A melting pot usually has a lot of different erbs and spices. So by comparing this to america, he is stating that there are many different nationalities in america that are mixed together. In my opinion, he is right in this one case because america has almost every nationality here living together. Oposed to cuba that only has cubans. So I think that an american is basically everything because there are so many different cultures that are expressed within our borders.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

disagreements to death

Honestly, people die over stupid things like in the cruciple almost every day. Which is really sad. It also seems like in every single movie, someone dies. So death is everywhere when it comes to altercations with people.
For example, in almost every single super hero movie, someone dies. No matter who it is. Like in all the Spider-man movies, he kills the green goblins, venom, and all those other people. In this case, killing them is actually good because they will just hurt more people. This example helps me see why the people in salem kill the people supposedly following satan. Not saying that the death penalty is right.
But,real life isnt like that unfortunately. For example, when people have a "negro moment", It usually either results in death or maybe jail. Just like how the cryps and the bloods have been killing each other for a really long time. This really is unnecesarry deaths because this whole war is pointless. Just like how killing people without actual proof is pointless.
So my point is that death is a part of almost every really serious altercation because if you make a person mad enough. Or you do something that will harm you or people around you,they more than likely will get rid of you. In many cases, this is death.