Friday, October 29, 2010

Why does Joanne Keep talking to me?

Nathaniel Hawthorne lived during the time that salem had all of the witchcraft stuff in it and he witnessed the things that went on there. So the scarlet letter is basically about things he has experienced during his life time but just in a non direct way because he probably has not experienced these things.
But the scarlet A is probably something that he has seen in his life. So this book may be about the things he have experienced; and I can tell that he did not really enjoy the way puritans treated people and how society was. So its obvious that the puritans did a lot of things and had a very drastic affect on peoples lifes. This is really obvious if people white books about it. But apparently, people back then knew that it was wrong. People like Nathaniel Hawthorne. So i guess things happened that were not made public.
Salem really was a different place to live back then. Everyone was brainwashed and looked down on people who sinned which is really different than society today cause people sin all the time in public. Sometimes they do stuff like adultery in public. So things have changed and in my opinion in a positive way


  1. Does this female "Joanne" somehow remind you of a woman who will bear a scarlet "A" in the future?

  2. LMAO to Amy's comment.
    I think Joanne is a girl in his class who was just talking to him :]

    Dante, I think Nathaniel Hawthorne DID have a biased point of view towards the fact that he thought the Puritan way of life was wrong. That's probably the only thing I'll ever agree with you on.

    Joking, joking :]

  3. I didn't know Hawthorne actually lived during the time of the witch trials. I agree that this book was written with a bias against some traditional puritan ways. I enjoy the book so far how 'bout you?
