Saturday, February 12, 2011

Black Boy

So far in this book there are some things that im pretty sure are gonna change and there are other things that arent. One of those things that arent going to change is hoe religious Richards grandmother and aunt are. The fact that they are so religious and their no nonsense policy is really making it hard for Richard since he is a very rebellious boy that has an open mind. I dont think those two things pair up very well at all. If you havent noticed already, it has not. The beatings are taking a huge toll on him because they are some times over stuff he hasnt really done wrong. All little kids ask questions. But getting beaten for curiosity? It is horrible to be beaten just because you want to learn. The fact that his mother did him this way made him more hostile towards his aunt and grandma. He was sick of it. So dodging unnecessary beatings were basically what he had to do. Not saying he didnt deserve to get hit for making smart comments. I am just saying that they need to stop being so stubborn because beating him isnt really working out. But they didnt just beat him, they disowed him. Come on...disowning youre grandson? I dont thing jesus would do that..

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