Saturday, May 14, 2011

Edgar Allen Poe

The tell tale heart was about a man who was all creeped out by this old man who had a green eye that looked like a vultures eye. So he supposedly killed the old man and then went crazy. But did he actually kill the man or was he crazy? I honestly think that he did not kill the old man. One reason why I think this did not happen was because edgar allen poe has a history of not making many straight forward stories. For example, The Raven was not necessarily a story that was very straight forward. So because of that, I think the old man may have actually been gone on vacation. The man could have been dreaming about killing the man because he was so scared of his eye. When he killed him in his dream, he could have screamed alerting his neighbors causing them to call the police. When the police had gotten there, them knocking on the door could have woken him up from his dream and he was so in to it that he thought it was real life. Thus causing him to believe the old man was actually dead and hidden. So the heart beating was just in his head and he just got to nervous. Thus causing him to pull up the floorboards and look all crazy to the police officers. In the beginning, he said he was not crazy. He could have been saying he actyually killed him. So in conclusion, I think he was just really sleepy and got confused by his sleepiness.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short story

My friend Josiah and I are at school waiting for them to let us in just like any other day at Randolph elementary school. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the principal’s office scared out of my mind because i was getting suspended. Now because of the person I was, not many people expected this to happen to me. I am rarely in any trouble and I am an A student. So suspension is something that has never happened to me and is a very scary thought. This is how everything happened.
That morning, me and Josiah were talking and joking. Just like a normal day. "We should just box and see what happens" Josiah says ironically. "Haha cool" I said. "Then everyone could get to see me knock you out!" Another friend of mine name Tikyle then jumped in to the conversation saying "Haha If y'all throw them hands I'm jumpin in too"
I was enjoying the little conversation we were having. But all of a sudden, Josiah looks the other direction and screams "DEY FINNA BOX!!!" This not only alerted my group, but it also alerted basically the entire school. But for some reason no adult knew what was happening at the time.
So after alerted of what looked like a small altercation at the time, I do what any other child my age would do. I ran over to see the fight. I ran over there as quickly as possible in order to actually find a good spot. It’s kind of like when seeing a show. Most people get there really early so they can sit in front of the screen.
Surprisingly, I was right in front. I got there pretty fast even though I am not the fastest person around. I actually got a good view so i was pretty excited to see a good fight the two guys were Cordell (a boy known for fighting) and some other person I didn't know. So as the two exchanges swear words, more and more people come to see and as more people came, the more they actually started to fight. Then, next thing I knew, four to five more people jumped in the fight all to jump on Cordell.
So it turned from a fight to just two guys getting jumped on (Cordells cousin jumped in to help). It started to look like a really big brawl after a minute. Most of the people at the school came over to see the fight. Because of that, it looked like a brawl (Like i said before).
It was actually sad that a bunch of black kids had nothing better to do than watch a fight. But we didn't care. We were being entertained. I still thought it was pretty bad though.
And i think Josiah thought so too because he had a surprised look across his face and a "Woow" came out of his mouth several times. I could not blame him though. It was horrible. We all had that look on our faces. We didnt all scream "FIGHT" at the same time like the kids in the movies you see. This fight got real and it happened quickly. About eight kids had jumped in the fight for what looked like no reason and were just repeatedly beating on the two. I wanted to help but I knew i would also be beaten up. I would also face a suspension. That was something I did not want at all.
But it apparently was not that bad because nobody started bleeding. I always thought that if there were any bleeding, people should stop the fight no matter who it was watching or fighting. Blood just looks bad to me.
The brawl lasted for about 10 minutes. I know ten minutes is a long time to throw your fists at someone. That shows they were very mad and were not going to stop any time soon. No one was going to stop it any time soon either.
I always thought that by ten minutes the fighters would have just gotten tired, stopped and made up by then. Thats would I would do. Thats just too much fighting.
Well anyway, I guess it took a while for security to see the fight, get more people to help break it up, and finally make it past the crowd to actually break it up. When they finally broke it up, they not only took the people fighting. They also took like 10 of the people who were watching. INCLUDING ME!!! I was baffled by how strange that was and so were the only 9 people who did nothing.
At first, I was naive. I thought they were just going to question us to see who started it, who who was in it, what they did, and all that other good stuff. So I just went with security without a fight. As if i would have fought their grips anyway. But for some reason, I did not notice their very firm grip and mean looks on their face. So I'm kinda dumb.
I started to notice something was wrong when the security guard who I am usually cool with would not talk to me at all. I added it up in my head and came to the conclusion that they were taking me to the office for watching. I was still kind of okay about it though because I still did not expect to get suspended for what happened. So i wasn’t freaking out just yet.

When I got to the principal’s office I had to sit down and wait for the principal Ms. Smith to talk to us. I was not the only one who was angered by that. Actually, I was the only one who looked somewhat calm. Well calm compared to the others. The other people who were in the fight were cursing, fussing, screaming, and doing many other things that definitely did not help their cause.
I knew the people who were actually in the fight were getting suspended though. I knew that for sure. One kid came in screaming "F*** this!!!" Yeah he was pretty mad. I also knew the other kids were just as mad as he was.
The other kids that were watching looked that same way I did. They had that somewhat
concerned look but they nothing too serious. One kid wasnt concerned at all. He seemed to not care if he got 5 days, 10 days, or no days.
She walked out with a furious look on her face. "I am so disappointed in all of you! Especially you! She said while looking directly at me. “You’re all getting ten days. No questions asked." All I could do was sit there thinking about how this could have happened. I had never gotten suspended until then. That made me so mad but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. So I just had to take the suspension.
The other nine kids who were watching suddenly got just as mad as the guy who came in cursing. There was so much screaming and arguing in the room that I was ashamed to even be there. Good thing I was smart enough to keep cool though. I didnt want anything worse to happen.
I also had to think about a way to explain this whole thing to my mother who does not play around when it comes to suspensions. Her voice just kept playing in my head over and over and over. I pictured her screaming at me while taking everything that I owned and telling me that I would have to work while I was suspended. I knew for a fact that I was in a lot of trouble. I also knew for a fact that she would not contest my suspension no matter how unfair it would be.
She always said “Don’t ever let me catch you watching a fight. It is so stupid for kids to do that nonsense.” Yeah so I was screwed.
So that is how I got suspended from school for doing absolutely nothing. You would think that I would have learned to not stand and watch fights.
Or to stop things that could get ugly. Or even that violence is not the answer. But no. That didn’t happen. Now I know to always watch fights from a distance. But I did learn that school really sucks. A lot.