Saturday, May 14, 2011

Edgar Allen Poe

The tell tale heart was about a man who was all creeped out by this old man who had a green eye that looked like a vultures eye. So he supposedly killed the old man and then went crazy. But did he actually kill the man or was he crazy? I honestly think that he did not kill the old man. One reason why I think this did not happen was because edgar allen poe has a history of not making many straight forward stories. For example, The Raven was not necessarily a story that was very straight forward. So because of that, I think the old man may have actually been gone on vacation. The man could have been dreaming about killing the man because he was so scared of his eye. When he killed him in his dream, he could have screamed alerting his neighbors causing them to call the police. When the police had gotten there, them knocking on the door could have woken him up from his dream and he was so in to it that he thought it was real life. Thus causing him to believe the old man was actually dead and hidden. So the heart beating was just in his head and he just got to nervous. Thus causing him to pull up the floorboards and look all crazy to the police officers. In the beginning, he said he was not crazy. He could have been saying he actyually killed him. So in conclusion, I think he was just really sleepy and got confused by his sleepiness.

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