Thursday, September 30, 2010

john proctor: hero or ------>stooge?<-----this one!!!

In my opinion, john proctor obviously a stooge. He tries to hide things that he shouldn't have been doing in the first place and he doesn't seem to be very wise when it comes to thinking about the outcomes of his actions. It seems like he(like many people in the town) is focused on his reputation...doesn't seem very heroic in my opinion.
The main thing that's been the problem with him is his affair with abigail. Now he regrets doing something that was nasty in the first place. Abigail is a little girl compared to him. Young enough to be his daughter. But he still has relations with this girl. Which not only goes against god but it goes against just basic common sense. No he has a girl that thinks she's in love following him around. Now in society now, we all know what this is. Plus, he has put his wife in danger because she's gonna try and get her killed. Now I don't see any positive in that.
He also seems to have a big worry about his reputation. Now this isn't rare in salem but its still not good in this situation. This is because he need to stand up and be a man in order to put an end to this whole mess with his affair. Handling this himself has gotten out of hand. This reminds me of the movie "obsessed" where a married man leads on a woman and so this leads her to believe they can be together. Then she turns into a stalker. Sound familiar? I guess he doesn't know that some women would do almost anything to get a man she wants. Well people in general not just women.
Sooo proctor is definetely a stooge and should be arrested for molestation.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree because he pretty much showed the true colors of the Puritan society of Salem. He showed that the whole idea of witchcraft was a hoax. No yeah what he did with Abagail was wrong and he had his faults but he still did good.
