Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lil B...What dat mouf do

This song by the rapper known as Lil B the based god is on one of his mixtapes that i do not really know the name of. So this song is about...stuff not suitable for school. funny as it may be, this is what this rapper is choosing to make songs about. Soo I know how people are saying that hip hop is dead and this may change peoples opinions. All through the song someone in the background is saying "what that mouth do". So this emphasizes what he wants to say. And so his verses are all about the same thing. So in my opinion he likes the idea of it. Soooo that's what the song is about. Its really hidden messages, nothing strange about it at all..
Ok so Lil B is honestly, in my opinion the wworst rapper ever in the history of ever. Absolutely one hundred percent of his songs are about one thing and I'm sure you can guess what that one thing is about. He really should have stayed with the group he was with known as the pack. There he didn't stand out as much. That's what hip hop needs. Lil B to not stand out. So if you don't think less of hip hop by listening to this song, you need to really hear him. So stop the song after every line and think about what he just said. If you don't think what he's saying is bad, then you are a weirdo. But in all honesty, please don't listen to this rapper seriously. And if you do, don't think this is hip hop because its not! You shouldn't let your parents hear it either. Lil B is really bad for the rap industry and he is single handidly killing hip hop slowly but surely.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

jay and nick

They definetely have the fakest relationship. For one thing, Gatspy is using Nick just to get to Daisy. Id be pretty mad if I knew someone who did that to me. Id want someone who likes me for who I am, not for what I could do for them. I feel like Gatspy is pretty bogus for that. So...yes this means that everything wasn't for their friendship but just for Gatspy to get to Ms. Daisy. The girl who's really comfortable with her abusive, hulking, fake husband who has a lot of money. Now I'm not saying that she won't leave him for gatspy, I'm just saying he's going somewhere he should not be at all. Especially since he is using nick to do it. So yeah that's a big no no. So if I were nick, id be pretty mad. He was sooo proud that he was like the only one actually invited to Gatspys party but now he finds out it wasn't even for him as a person but it was for the person he may possibly bring. No I would rather you just come up to me and ask me to bring her around. That is most definetely the more official way of doing it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winterr :)

Soo many colors
During the holidays time
Here are some
That should be on your mind

First color is white
But it means cold
Yet freeze you might
Snow never gets old

Then there's blue
This is also chilly
But this is not new
So complaints would be silly

You can't forget red
That's a holiday hue
I see it even when in bed
I know you do too

Stir those colors together
You make the holiday season
Now you should remember
the colors are there for a reason!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

who am i thankful for??

well there are a lot of people in my american lit class who i am friends with. and honestly i love them all very very much and wouldnt trade them for anything. but i think that i am mostly thankful for clara torres.
why? well she gives everbody a very...different point of view on things and she can back up what she says so you cant just treat her life about anything she says. no lie, i dont always agree with her but i cant say anything cause ill end up looking stupid. im sure of it. so what she says does have an affect on me and it lets me know other point of views. even dark ones. so i really think she can beat anyone in a debate. for example, if she was arguing for slavery, id most certainly be put to work. because im black...for all the people who didnt get that one...but anyway her points help me think more about stuff.
another thing is that she couldnt care less about what people think about her. so yeah im sure her dark points are here to stay. but that makes me want to stand by my point cause she can do it
so yeah thats why im thankful for clara...oh yeah shes an ok person too...i guess...
btw i <3 joanne too...and i didnt punch her...i slapped her with the back of my hand :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

i. am. a. plow??

well to be honest, i dont really know anything about plows. all i really know is that they are big, useful, and they can get the job done. i think. but well they can for some reason relate to me. i guess...
well for one thing i am big. if you havent already noticed. but i dont mean big as in size cause i could be sooo much bigger in that area. when i say big, i actually mean personality. i hope you could tell that since i talk a lot in class, and if you havent, i hope you can pay attention more in the future.
i also like to look at myself as useful. even though im not actually useful for working in the field for hours like plows do now. but idk why i think im useful, but im sure i could come in handy sometimes when im needed.
another way that im like a plow is that i get the job done. i feel like that may be self explanitory. but if you dont understand, what i mean is that when i say ill do something, ill get it done. ill do it when i feel like it but i surely will do it. so thats what i mean by getting the job done.
implement for turning soil or moving snow

Monday, November 15, 2010

how would american lit be better??

so american lit is a really broud subject so theres not really any specific things that can be changed but there are things that can be changed. for example, i think that we should do less of reading big long books and just read more short passages. this is because if we read more types of passages, would would get a bigger and better understanding of what american lit is. so instead of reading the scarlet letter in its entireity, we could read important portions. so then, we could have read some of the book, have a taste of the type of literature, and go on to the next thing without wasting too much time. also, we could watch more of the movies made from books. i know some teachers do this but not all of them do. this is really important because if you have no clue as to whats going on in the book, wouldnt watching the movie help? i think so. theres not really much to add to american lit but like most subjects, it can be improved.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


i think that slavery is still todays society. its just less obvious. people these days are alot more smart about slavery and its sometimes right in front of our eyes. we just dont know it. for example, there are people in asia that are slaves. i dont know exactly who, or where, but i know that its happening. honestly this is just as bad as when black people were slaves. it is the same concept. also, if you didnt know, a form of slavery is how we treat the illegal immigrants that find their way over to the united states. though there are some major differences. for one thing, they actually got money for working even though it is really really really reeeaaally small. they are also happy. now that is really important because they actually want to be in america. unlike african slaves. so that can let you know that mexico is not the greatest plce in the world. so the tiny tiny amount of money they do get is ok for them because theey are in america. now you can say that american wasnt as great back then but my ancestors were happy in africa. i just know it. so in conclusion, slavery is still around but it is not as much as the cool thing anymore.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why does Joanne Keep talking to me?

Nathaniel Hawthorne lived during the time that salem had all of the witchcraft stuff in it and he witnessed the things that went on there. So the scarlet letter is basically about things he has experienced during his life time but just in a non direct way because he probably has not experienced these things.
But the scarlet A is probably something that he has seen in his life. So this book may be about the things he have experienced; and I can tell that he did not really enjoy the way puritans treated people and how society was. So its obvious that the puritans did a lot of things and had a very drastic affect on peoples lifes. This is really obvious if people white books about it. But apparently, people back then knew that it was wrong. People like Nathaniel Hawthorne. So i guess things happened that were not made public.
Salem really was a different place to live back then. Everyone was brainwashed and looked down on people who sinned which is really different than society today cause people sin all the time in public. Sometimes they do stuff like adultery in public. So things have changed and in my opinion in a positive way

Thursday, October 21, 2010

what is an american?

In the essay the croever person basically generalized america by saying that they abandon their cultures and adapt to the new customs of america. I honestly think that his view on america is really really wrong now. Then in time, he had a valid arguement because the puritans left england and just started their own country. They also abandoned englands customs altogether and that may have been wrong in his eyes, but they really did not have any other choice because they were really unhappy in england. So he does have a point, but he does not consider their point of view. He also says that americans completely throw out their old cultures so that they can adapt to the new, american culture. But actually, the pilgrims kept a lot of their old cultues and dished out the ones that they did not like. This also applies to present day, mexicans, black, asians, and other nationalities also express their culture all the time. So even though they were not actually in their native land, they were not just completely abandoning their cultures. He also speaks of america as being a "melting pot". A melting pot usually has a lot of different erbs and spices. So by comparing this to america, he is stating that there are many different nationalities in america that are mixed together. In my opinion, he is right in this one case because america has almost every nationality here living together. Oposed to cuba that only has cubans. So I think that an american is basically everything because there are so many different cultures that are expressed within our borders.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

disagreements to death

Honestly, people die over stupid things like in the cruciple almost every day. Which is really sad. It also seems like in every single movie, someone dies. So death is everywhere when it comes to altercations with people.
For example, in almost every single super hero movie, someone dies. No matter who it is. Like in all the Spider-man movies, he kills the green goblins, venom, and all those other people. In this case, killing them is actually good because they will just hurt more people. This example helps me see why the people in salem kill the people supposedly following satan. Not saying that the death penalty is right.
But,real life isnt like that unfortunately. For example, when people have a "negro moment", It usually either results in death or maybe jail. Just like how the cryps and the bloods have been killing each other for a really long time. This really is unnecesarry deaths because this whole war is pointless. Just like how killing people without actual proof is pointless.
So my point is that death is a part of almost every really serious altercation because if you make a person mad enough. Or you do something that will harm you or people around you,they more than likely will get rid of you. In many cases, this is death.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

john proctor: hero or ------>stooge?<-----this one!!!

In my opinion, john proctor obviously a stooge. He tries to hide things that he shouldn't have been doing in the first place and he doesn't seem to be very wise when it comes to thinking about the outcomes of his actions. It seems like he(like many people in the town) is focused on his reputation...doesn't seem very heroic in my opinion.
The main thing that's been the problem with him is his affair with abigail. Now he regrets doing something that was nasty in the first place. Abigail is a little girl compared to him. Young enough to be his daughter. But he still has relations with this girl. Which not only goes against god but it goes against just basic common sense. No he has a girl that thinks she's in love following him around. Now in society now, we all know what this is. Plus, he has put his wife in danger because she's gonna try and get her killed. Now I don't see any positive in that.
He also seems to have a big worry about his reputation. Now this isn't rare in salem but its still not good in this situation. This is because he need to stand up and be a man in order to put an end to this whole mess with his affair. Handling this himself has gotten out of hand. This reminds me of the movie "obsessed" where a married man leads on a woman and so this leads her to believe they can be together. Then she turns into a stalker. Sound familiar? I guess he doesn't know that some women would do almost anything to get a man she wants. Well people in general not just women.
Sooo proctor is definetely a stooge and should be arrested for molestation.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

sinners in a hand of an angry god

This passage is really just a sermon by jonathan edwards and he is just talking about how god is just torturing us because he regrets creating human beings. He thinks he knows all about god and his intentions and he makes that very clear. this is also what children hear every Sunday so their minds may be really special.
He first of all talks about how he has his hand blocking a lot of chaos and any time he can just lift up his hand and chaos will just take you over. I think that in a way this could be true if you look at it in that way. But in my opinion its not true. He seems to just be looking at how nice people get hurt randomly.
Also, the severity of the punishment is really severe. For example, he talks about how fire, water, and arrows attack you and you suffer until dying. Some people do die suffering but life isn't that bad. He makes it seem like if you make one slip up you'll die a horrible, suffering death which is most of the time not true because the god I know forgives people for their sins.
He thinks that life is really like this and in my opinion its not true. Some people may have died horrible deaths but it hasn't happened very often. Its really just been in disasters that's cause so many deaths and horrible injuries. So I think this man is really strange or he has had a really horrible life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the neighborhood

a neighborhood usually goes bad when some people move in that may diturb the peace. kind of like how christopher columbus did when he kind of tried to take ove land that the native americans previously owned. like when people that are loud come into a neighborhood, they are more likely yo cause a disturbance than people who tend to keep to themselves in a loud neighborhood.
so people that tend to throw parties can really just change the neighborhood entirely in good ways and in bad ways. for example, if the area is quiet, loud parties would be more rare so if a new neighbor were to throw a loud party it would be a pretty big disturbance.
but on the other hand, people can sometimes use more parties. we all know these boring people that never want to have fun. so picture if a loud person comes into a neighborhood with all people that are workaholics and that never have fun. that one person could be a huge part of those people lives. hopefully a positive influence.
also, the way the neighborhood is presented could be changed. most of the time, there is that one house in the neighborhood that has residents that never take care of their house. so there would be a far less chance of that particular neighborhood to have a movie star, or an actual movie to be shot on that block. so yeah that person could possibly ruin it for everyone.
that particular family could also be very different than everyone else. so it would be nice to have a little cultural change every now and then. if theyre actually that loud, then you will actually be affected a little by them and you may learn a little by their habits.
so there really isnt a such thing as there goes the neighborhood because people can be positively and negatively affected by how a diffent resident comes into a neighborhood. just like how america was affected by the europeans coming and taking over. so you should just try to make the best of every new commer in your particular neighborhood.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Swagg (Intro)

Well to start my name is Dante Robinson.
Some things about me are that first of all i play baseball, and yes for the school. Ive been playing the piano for about eight years now and i hate it lol. I live pretty south in the marquette park area. I enjoy playing sports and i occasionally go to sox games (yes i am a sox fan woo!).

I also love all my friends. Like really my life would not be the same with out them. My very best friend is Josiah Jackson. Im sorry to any of my other good friends lol. But like i do love EVERY last one of them because life at this school wouldnt be worth while at all

Like I said before, im a pretty good piano player. Ive hated it for the entire eight years. But now i seem to enjoy it a little more now. Im also playing at the school so it might be because of that. Ihope to be able to just play anything and it being good. My favorite actual piano player is Stevie Wonder so i like to look at myself as a young him.

Baseball is also a huge part of my life. Ive been playing since i was seven and i have loved it ever since then. I try to improve on my game as much as i can and i try to end up being really good. I play first base and played for the freshman team last year.

I have like 4 siblings and they are all older than me so yes i am the baby. I have two brothers and two sisters. I am more closer to my oldest brother mainly because he is always around and hes a big enfluence in my life. He tries to be a good brother and wants me to be successful in life. Just like my parents.

I have two parents like everybody else in this world does. I love them both and they both try to have an influence in my life and they want me to be a good person. Basically what all parents want for their kids.

Im also completely black if you couldnt already tell. I mainly live in a black neighborhood so I really only see other races at school or out my hood.